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Decolonizing Research Gathering, Meet Moderator Dr. Angela Michtlanxochitl Anderson Guerrero

Dr. Anderson Guerrero strives to serve communities through culturally inclusive strategic development, art-based inquiry, and critical psychology. Her policy studies led to the immersion into public health, as Director of Operations for the Institute for Diversity in Health Management, Anderson co-founded the National Forum for Healthcare Executives, the Asian Health Care Leaders Association. The experience motivated Angela to return to her community development roots as the Program Director of the Center for Metropolitan Chicago Initiatives of the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame. Recognizing the possibilities at the intersections of education, spirituality, and development, she completed her doctorate at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her dissertation project is titled; “Testimonio and Knowledge Production Among Transterritorial Mexican and Mexican American Indigenous Spiritual Practitioners: A Decolonial, Participatory, and Grassroots Postmodernist Inquiry”. As a doctoral student, she initiated the “Indigenous Knowledge Gathering”, which was activated in Ohlone territory in 2015 and in Tohono O'odham land in March 2016. She pushes issues of cultural and racial equity in the arts and institutional development. Most recently, she linked the ethos of Álgido (Mexico City) and Matatu (Oakland) to kick off the Transterritorial Citizenship Series, a forum of creatives who model present and future,e models of citizenship through the lens of culture and the politics of personhood. Her projects strive to explore and question pluralities of knowledge across cultural and organizational differences. She serves as a council member of Danza de la Huiztlimeztli and Danza de Luna Xinachtli Meztli, both transterritorial Mexica ceremonial practices. Currently, she is exploring the social impact of ancestral spiritual movements for community building and leadership.

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