The DWI team recently attended an inspirational talk given by Dr. Jane Goodall and Paul Hawken during the Mountain Towns 2030 Net Zero Summit. Paul Hawken spoke about the impetus behind Project Drawdown (, and Dr. Goodall shared pieces of her life story to instill within the audience a message of hope and a call to environmental action.
In the video below, Dr. Goodall introduces the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative @faiths4forests, a new global effort uniting people of all faiths to end tropical deforestation. It is a call to action for all faith-based organizations to uphold a moral urgency within the movement to end the destruction of the planet's rainforests. The Deep Water Initiative is proud to endorse this declaration as a initiative that bridges communities of faith with environmental justice and action.
To read the declaration, please visit:
Learn more: #faithsforforests